"In a world of...improvised movie homages"
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In this special, "sneak peak" episode, Avish and Mike improvise a "slasher" style movie in the style of Friday the 13th (at least that's where it starts!). The improv games include cutting room, what happens next, spoon river, and more! It was a ton of fun, and will give you a good idea of what to expect when the podcast goes live (planned for the Summer of 2021)!. Please share this page with anyone you know who loves improv, movies, storytelling, and creativity. And be sure to sign up below to get notified as soon as the podcast is live!
Running Away With Flower
A "Coming of Age" style movie similar to "My Fair Lady" and "The Princess Diaries."
In a world...where baking is life, and some people have so much while others struggle to embrace their greatness, one girl will have to search deep within herself to become the baker others know she should be...
This episode has baking, friendships, an identity crisis, overbearing mentors, mice, cabbage, and more! Improv games include Movie Trailer, Rashomon, Ding, and Emotional Lists.
“In a World of...Improvised Movie Homages” is a unique show where we use short-form improv games to create long-form improv stories in the style of famous movies.
So how exactly does that work?
Each episode begins with a genre or example movie as a starting point (i..e “Slasher movie like Friday the 13th”). Then the show is divided into two parts: The discussing/prep part and the performance part.
The show begins with the prep phase which has three sections:
Once we have that all hashed out, we jump in and perform the show! We work through the outline and improv games where each individual game has the silliness, energy, and humor of short form improv, but each game is connected with characters, setting, and overall story.
It is creative, funny, and a ton of fun (to play, and hopefully to listen too as well!)
Avish Parashar is a professional speaker who uses improv comedy to inspire, educate and inform. He has performed improv comedy for 28+ years and is the author of two books on applying improv to the real world (“Say, ‘Yes, And!’” and “Improvise to Success!”)
Mike Worth is a composer and Emmy award winning orchestrator, having worked on films, television shows, and video games. Mike has written original music for feature films such as Rush Hour 3 (featuring Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan), and Ivory.